Project management solution should be chosen right!

It is an important decision for the company to implement a project management solution, yet the very choice is even more important. The right project management software will ease and organize the working process, while the wrong choice will have a drastic effect, giving you the illusion of organizing the process, while slowing things down and weakening them. So take your time to make the right choice and do your homework. These tips will help you with the choice of project management solution, based on the project needs and specs of your business.

  1. Decide on the hosting type. If your company has large IT staff and the servers of your own, then you may opt for self-hosted solutions (On-premise). Another reason for choosing self-hosted solutions is privacy of course. If the IT resources of your company are insufficient, you may go for the cloud-based solutions (SaaS). Lately they gain popularity as require little to zero efforts to maintain them.
  2. Analyze the needs. The only right way to do this is to have a meeting with all team members, where you will discuss the needs that must be addressed by the project management solution. Find out what information is needed for the team members to work effectively. Set the priorities for needed features, by separating them into must-have and nice-to-have categories. Analyze the project communication needs within the team to know what communication solution is the best for them – chatroom, email notifications, etc.
  3. Decide on how many user accounts you will need and how many projects will you run simultaneously – these factors influence the price. As well as the volume of the file storage for the projects. Consider further deployment of your projects.
  4. Software Integration. Check whether you would like to integrate the project management software with existing process management software solutions the your company runs (web browser add-ons, email clients, scheduling, budgeting or payroll software, etc).
  5. Customizing. Go for project management solution with advanced options. Your work on the projects will be more effective with advanced reporting, project control or the opportunity for every user to customize the view to bring the most relevant and needed information up front.
  6. Analyze the budget.
  7. Do the demo. Ask for trial! Try the project management solution, applying it to one of your projects to see if it helps any. This will help you quickly recognize the software you don’t need.

List of popular project management solutions: