In the First Part of the present multi-part series we have already generalized all the PM roles and depicted the Project Manager role. In the Second Part we used to review the Project Team Member role. The role of the Project Sponsor was described In the Third Part. Also we studied in details the Project Customer role. We are going to circumscribe the role of the resource or functional manager within the confines of the process of project management.

The Role of the Resource or Functional Manager

The role of the resource or functional manager is concentrated in the activity of supervising of the project resources (in the first place they are people) – the resources which are necessary to perform the work within the limits of the project. The employees who are involved in the project inform the resource manager about their participation and they can be further appointed to the software project on full-time or more frequently part-time conditions. It is usually a difficult task for the Project Manager to obtain the collaboration and liability of those employees who ignore to inform the Project Manager about the necessary facts. It is possible to make simpler such a difficult task if to use a participative approach in the project management.

The resource or functional manager role embraces the following duties:

  • Supplying of the employees which will become the members of the project team;
  • Consideration and confirmation of the project plan for their accountable regions;
  • Having an accession to the project timetable and also having an opportunity to reconsider regularly the project timetable with the help of the special collaboration software used together with MS Project;
  • Indicate the direction when necessary to the member of the team who is a representative of the resource section;
  • Make certain that the employees who are involved in the project from the section have the corresponding rate of qualification and experience to perform the job;
  • Make certain that the members of the project team have enough time to finish the project as it is specified in the confirmed plan of the project;
  • Obviate obstructions which interfere with work the team of the project;
  • A software project passes swimmingly if every member is in his or her place and plays their role. Notwithstanding, Project Manager with the assistance of the project sponsor has a job to provide the execution of these roles. Roles within the confines of the project change according to the stage of the project. Now it’s time to explore the four stages, or basic units, of the process of project management.